Van Programs
STEM Van Programs
The STEM van visits local kindergarten through second grade classrooms to bring fun and exciting activities that will challenge students to use their science, technology, engineering, and math skills.
Programs Cover:
Kindergarten - Five Senses with PBS Kids
Students will investigate using their five senses covering 2018 Science Standards of Learning (SOL) K.5
First grade - Code-to-Learn
Students will explore the PBS KIDS Scratch Jr coding app to create their own stories covering 2024 Computer Science SOL Grades 1-4 Ap.2, 3.
Second grade - Odd Squad Day
Students will become special agents for a day and will identify symmetrical objects covering 2023 Math SOL 2.MG.3.

Literacy Van Programs
WHRO's Literacy Van is a cheerful, brightly colored vehicle that visits Pre-K-1st grade students with programs designed to motivate children to read daily.
Programs Cover:
2021 (APL3; CLLD1; CLLD2)
2024 English SOL's (RL.1; RL.2; RL.3)
First Grade
2024 English SOL's (RL.1, RL.2; RL.3)

Batten Environmental Van Program
The Batten Environmental Van program provides classroom teachers with pre- and post-visit lesson plans and interactive learning objects related to the GreenBeatsSM video series. WHRO and the Virginia Stage Company have also partnered to offer an optional environmental musical assembly.
Programs Cover:
Kindergarten - Recycling
2018 Science SOL K.1c, K.11a, b, c
First Grade - Natural Resources
2018 Science SOL 1.8a, b, c
Second Grade - Plants
2018 Science SOL 2.8b, c