Alice Agnew
Children Services Outreach Specialist
P: 757.889.9407
F: 757.489.0007
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Alice delivers early learning resources and provides education programs to children and families.
Drew Cathlin
Instructional Designer
P: 757.889.9425
F: 757.489.0007
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Drew designs content and develops interactive applications for our online courses.
Janie Everett
Educational Technology Manager
P: 757.889.9400
F: 757.489.0007
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Janie provides professional development to teachers from the HRETA school divisions.
Dr. Mitzi Fehl-Seward
Vice President of Digital Learning
P: 757.889.9113
F: 757.451.6870
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Mitzi oversees the Digital Learning Team and the Education Department with the VP of Education Services.
Angela Franklin
CII Coordinator
P: 757.889.9365
F: 757.451.6852
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Angela supports all of the CII's activities and professional development. She's your go-to girl for course registration.
Dr. Suzanne Freeman
Senior Curriculum Manager
P: 757.889.9108
F: 757.489.0007
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Suzanne manages the curriculum teams in the development of online content.
Gabrielle Golden
Education Operations Manager
P: 757.889.9443
F: 757.451.6858
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Gabrielle is responsible for daily support and hospitality of the Education Services and Digital Learning departments.
Kenny Halsey
Educational Technology & Multimedia Manager
P: 757.889.9356
F: 757.489.0007
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Kenny oversees developing and delivering engaging, interactive, and high-quality digital learning experiences.
Rachel Heil
Educational Technology Specialist
P: 757.889.9330
F: 757.489.0007
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Rachel works in several online learning platforms to ensure that the WHRO online courses are set up and work as designed.
Lindsey Horner
eMediaVA Manager
P: 757.889.9400
F: 757.451.6840
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Lindsey conducts training and manages the eMediaVA platform.
Anne Nowak
Senior Instructional Designer
P: 757.889.9400
F: 757.489.0007
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Anne designs content and develops interactive applications for our online courses.
Mark Parsons
Senior Instructional Design Manager
P: 757.889.9354
F: 757.489.0007
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Mark manages the instructional designers in the development of online content.
Martha Razor
Manager of Early Childhood Education
P: 757.889.9112
F: 757.489.0007
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Martha oversees the Children Services Team and provides early childhood trainings for parents and teachers.
Elmer Seward
Vice President of Education Services
P: 757.470.3911
F: 757.451.6879
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Elmer oversees the Education Services Team and the Education Department with the VP of Digital Learning.
Caroline Striepe
Instructional Designer
P: 757.889.9342
F: 757.489.0007
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Caroline designs content and develops interactive applications for our online courses.